MacGillivray’s Warbler

Geothlypis tolmiei
Statewide Status: S:N  IBRC Review Species (Winter)
eBird Species Map

MacGillivray's Warbler
Darren Clark
(Migration / Summer)

All Reports (Review Species Only)
Only documented winter records are listed below.

  1. 27 December 1997 – Nampa Christma Bird Count, Canyon  County, Latilong 17- American Birds 98th CBC (1997-1998
  2. ♦ 5 December 2009 – Boise River, Boise, Ada County, Latilong 17.  Jay Carlisle and Heidi Ware+
    Rare Bird Report #:70-B-09
    Voting: 7-0

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