Re: Steller’s Jay

I’ve a Steller’s Jay since mid December. It usually comes to my suet feeders.

Kit Struthers

Idaho Falls

On Fri, 17 Jan, 2025 at 9:37 PM, lcarrigan_55 via <carriganbw@…> wrote:

Well, so far, my best winter bird has been Steller’s Jay. It doesn’t visit my feeder. Based on some other’s posts, I’ve even tried peanuts & the other birds just seem to scatter them for the fox squirrels to gather. But, does like a windrow of Rocky Mtn Junipers I planted years ago. Maybe going after juniper berries??? It’s quite vocal, when present & one has been here since Nov. Today, kept me entertained while I shoveled snow from decks & drives. 
Brian Carrigan 

Steller’s Jay

Well, so far, my best winter bird has been Steller’s Jay. It doesn’t visit my feeder. Based on some other’s posts, I’ve even tried peanuts & the other birds just seem to scatter them for the fox squirrels to gather. But, does like a windrow of Rocky Mtn Junipers I planted years ago. Maybe going after juniper berries??? It’s quite vocal, when present & one has been here since Nov. Today, kept me entertained while I shoveled snow from decks & drives. 
Brian Carrigan 

Re: Pelican At Harriman

I lived where I could see the river in Last Chance and skied at
Harriman regularly for ten years and I can’t recall ever seeing a
pelican during winter. I have a record for one in Ashton in 2010
but nothing up here in Island Park. Pretty cool find – maybe a
result of the very mild winter?


On 1/13/25 09:09PM, Scott MacButch

Spotted one American White Pelican while skiing along the
Henrys Fork today (January 13). It was near park headquarters
and with bunch of Trumpeter Swans. Temperature was 17F and the
Pelican was pressing its beak into the feathers on his back a
lot to stay warm I imagine. Just wondering how common it is to
have a Pelican up there this time of year?
Cliff and Lisa Weisse
Island Park, Idaho

Pelican At Harriman

Spotted one American White Pelican while skiing along the Henrys Fork today (January 13). It was near park headquarters and with bunch of Trumpeter Swans. Temperature was 17F and the Pelican was pressing its beak into the feathers on his back a lot to stay warm I imagine. Just wondering how common it is to have a Pelican up there this time of year?


We took a drive towards Cascade on Friday for a change of scenery.  Found a pair of mature bald eagles in a tree at the south end of Gardena. We made a side trip into Crouch
where we saw an osprey flying along the river, east of the grocery store. Didn’t get a picture, but the size, shape, color and call all matched for an osprey. We were wondering how common it is for osprey to skip the migration south?  Also found another pair
of bald eagles at Kelly’s Whitewater Park is Cascade.  A quality over quantity trip.


Tom Soniville

Tom Soniville
Boise. West Bench

Northern Shrike

Have found my bird feeder friends are just as afraid of a N Shrike, as they are a Sharp-shinned Hawk. Maybe even moreso. As, even the BC Chickadees are more wary when the Shrike is around, than they are of a Sharpie. N Shrike appeared this last week & seems to prefer DE Juncos. But, can sure create havoc at the feeder when flies through!
Brian Carrigan 

Home of Idaho Birding and the Idaho Bird Records Committee

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