Black Swift

Cypseloides niger
Statewide Status: S:N  IBRC Review Species (Summer and Migration in Central, West, and East. Winter in all regions)
eBird Species Map

Black Swift
Darren Clark
(Migration / Summer)

All Reports (Review Species Only):
As of March 1, 2011  records are not requested for the Panhandle (except for winter), where they are known to nest in 3-4 areas. Report all breeding except Shadow/Fern Falls and Char Falls.

  1. ♦13 August 1985– 6-8-  south of Cabinet Gorge Dam – rocky cliffs, Bonner Clunty, Latilong 1 – Earl A. Chapin+ , Beverly Chapin  (also seem there in 1983 by Chuck Trost – he told Earl where to find them)
    Rare Bird Report #:3-A-88
    Voting: 6-0
  2. ♦30 September 1997 – Lucky Peak, Ada County, Latilong 17 – Jay Carlisle and several BO technicians
    Rare Bird Report #:50-B-12
    Voting: 7-0
  3. χ 10 September 2001– 1 – Lucky Peak, Ada County, Latilong 17 – Vanhove, Frederic
    Rare Bird Report #:48-B-12
    Voting: 1-6, 0-7
  4. ♦27 May 2006 – 1 – Camas NWR, Jefferson County, Latilonh 21 – Jay Carlisle, Sasha Kevel, Dave Hanson
    Rare Bird Report #:49-B-12
    Voting: 7-0
  5. ♦5 May 2012 – 4 – C J Strike Reservoir, Jacks Creek access, Owyhee County, Latilong 24 – Cheryl Huizinga+ , Denise Huyghes
    Rare Bird Report #:64-B-12
    Voting: 5-2, 6-1

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