Lincoln’s Sparrow

Melospiza lincolnii
Statewide Status: S:N  IBRC Review Species (Winter- Panhandle, Central, East)
eBird Species Map

Lincoln's Sparrow
Darren Clark
(Migration / Summer)

All Reports (Review Species Only):
As of March 1, 2011,  winter records are requested for all areas but western Idaho – only documented are listed below  – There are 7 unconfirmed  winter records for the Panhandle and 2 reports for the Pocatello CBC  (December 1998 and 1994) in the Idaho Distribution database.

  1. ♦19 January and 3 February 2013 – Hells Gate State Park, Nez Perce County, Latilong 4 – John Hanna
    Rare Bird Report #:11-B-13
    Voting: 6-1, 7-0

Home of Idaho Birding and the Idaho Bird Records Committee

Idaho Birds