Latilong Species Distribution Maps

Idaho Latilongs Map

434 bird species and 3 subspecies documented to have occurred in the state of Idaho are represented here, each with it’s own page listed in the menu on the left, or at the bottom of this page on mobile screens. The pages are in the sequence of the AOS Checklist, currently in it’s 7th edition, 62nd supplement.

Pages include the species’ seasonal distribution maps by Latilong and, if applicable, IBRC Review Species information with a list of known records. Keys to interpreting the maps, statewide status code, and IBRC reports are on the right (below on mobile).

Species are presented in the following format:

Species scientific name
Statewide Latilong and Review Species Status
Link to the species’ Northwest US Region eBird Map

Photo Contributed by an Idaho Birder

(Migration / Summer)
March-November (Migration / Summer)
December-February (Winter)

Records for IBRC Review Species, including historical reports, and notes about certain species are listed below the maps.

Home of Idaho Birding and the Idaho Bird Records Committee

Idaho Birds