Latah County NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD and other rarities

Late this morning Greg Lambeth of Moscow found a Black Tern and 5 White-faced Ibis at different ponds along Little Bear Ridge Road north of Kendrick in Latah County.  I was quickly able to refind these 2 local rarities and new birds for my Latah County list. On my way back home, I ran into a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD on Dry Creek Road one tenth of a mile northeast of the intersection with Davidson Road and exactly at the location of this eBird checklist: Not sure the last time I got three new Latah County birds in one day (much less one hour). Greg and Neil Paprocki have both refound the Mockingbird this afternoon. It looks like there is one previous report of a Mockingbird in Latah County, from near Moscow in July 2008 by Jerry Cebula.

Good Birding,
Carl Lundblad
Moscow, ID