Submit a Latilong Change

Recommend a Latilong Status Change

Examples of what to report as a Status Change:

-If you notice a House Wren feeding fledglings, and the Latilong you are in is Purple for “t-Transient or Present, no breeding evidence” on the March-November House Wren map, then House Wren needs to be updated to “B-Breeding Confirmed” in that Latilong.

-Similarly, if House Wren has never been documented in that Latilong, and you saw one foraging during the summer there, then report your sighting with a recommended change from “No Status” to “t-Transient or Present Mar-Nov”.

Latilong Status Criteria:

March-November (Migration/Summer)

  • No Status– Not documented in the Latilong (Yellow on the maps)
  • t-Transient or Present, no evidence of breeding (Purple)
  • b-Breeding Suspected (Green)
  • B-Breeding Confirmed (Red)

Breeding Suspected (circumstantial evidence) must include at least one of the following:

  • Physiological evidence (vascularized brood patch, cloacal protuberance, egg in oviduct).
  • Singing male or other territorial defense.
  • Courtship behaviour or copulation.
  • Distraction display, agitated behaviour, or anxiety calls from adults.
  • Nest building.
  • Adults visiting a probable nest site.
  • Pair observed in suitable habitat in breeding season.

Breeding Confirmed- Must include at least one of the following:

  • Nest with young seen or heard.
  • Examined specimen of nestling.
  • Nest with viable egg(s).
  • Fledgling(s) (young away from the nest but without adult-sized flight feathers).
  • Occupied nest (adults regularly entering and leaving a nest).
  • Adults attending young (adults carrying fecal sacs or food for young).
  • Recently used nest with eggshells (must be in good condition and eggshells identifiable).

December-February (Winter)

  • No Status– Not documented in the Latilong (Yellow)
  • w-Winter Visitor, present in 1 or 2 months (Pink)
  • W-Overwintered,  present in December, January, and February* (Blue)

*Overwintering  for a species requires that it be recorded once in December, once in January, and once in February of the same season for that Latilong.

Use this map to find the  Latilong  where your sighting occurred.

Click on the map to view a larger version which will open in a new window.

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