Daily Archives: January 28, 2024
Re: Battle of Wits
Pygmy Nuthatch
Battle of Wits
Suddenly, all took to flight in 3 different waves. Always amazes me by how many I underestimate their numbers to be! Would have guessed about 35 birds, total, visiting the feeder. The different waves totalled at least 75 birds. The only birds remaining, after the exodus, were 8 Chickadees giving steady 3 & 4 note alarm calls. About this time, a Sharp-shinned Hawk flew in and landed in a nearby cottonwood.
The battle of wits between the Sharpie’s patience, the alarms of the chickadees & the disappearance of finches began. No idea how far away the finches’ exodus took them, as they disappeared. The chickadees stayed & would make quick, 1-seed visits to the feeder, one-by-one, while their friends kept up the alarm. It took 25 minutes for a lone House Finch to fly by &, immediately, the Sharpie was after it. A miss. The hawk then took up position in a different cottonwood about 30 yards away. The chickadees kept up their steady alarms. After 10 minutes, the Sharpie returned to its original position closer to the feeder.
By this time, 45 minutes had passed. All the sudden the Sharp-shinned Hawk flew downward to a sumac bush 20 yards away & disappeared toward the ground. Suspect, a hapless meadow vole met its demise. It’s been over an hour now, the chickadees are visiting the feeder with no apparent concerns, no longer giving alarm calls & coming in by threes & fours. And, House Finches are gradually returning to the feeder in twos & threes.
Interesting encounter! No unusual winter finch arrivals, so far, this year. But, will keep watching!
Brian Carrigan