Robins & Waxwings

No spectacular winter bird visitors to report. But, after 10 days of back-to-back snows, wind & high temps into upper teens/low 20s, we’re in a heat wave today of 35°. Had been using snowshoes & cross-country skis around the place, today just snow boots, & kinda’ like trudging through 15″ of mashed potatoes. 

Two visiting groups today must be enjoying the warmer temps. This morning had around 250 American Robins come in. They hit both juniper berries & Russian Olive tree fruits for a couple of hours. Saw one with a white back & white wing feathers. And, right now, there’s 50 Cedar Waxwings both sallying forth after winter midges in flight & also hitting juniper berries. Like me, all must be enjoying the patches of blue sky breaking through & the warmer temps, before the next storm due to arrive tomorrow. 

Brian Carrigan