Monthly Archives: February 2024
Re: Accipiter ID help
Re: Accipiter ID help
Re: Accipiter ID help
On Feb 24, 2024, at 5:49 PM, Cliff Weisse <cliffandlisa@…> wrote:
Looks like an adult Goshawk.Cliff
On 2/24/24 05:40PM, Richard and Ann Rusnak wrote:
Cooper’s vs N Goshawk? That is the question? Heavily cropped, Valley County, 2/11/24. Rich Rusnak, THANKS!
Cliff and Lisa Weisse
Island Park, Idaho
“Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God” 2COR 3:5
Re: Accipiter ID help
Accipiter ID help
Best bird today was a Northern Shrike. Perched on a tall, bare cottonwood, surveying for prey. And, was glad to see my adult Bald Eagle pair perched together on a riverside snag. Their nest of past 7 years blew down in high winds last Fall. Finally, located their new nest in a little different location, but still visible through binoculars. So, can keep track of them again this year. They’ve successfully raised at least one &, usually two, young for the past 11 years in a total of 3 previous nests. Have found the Snake River corridor can serve as a “wind tunnel” at times, which will blow down eagle nests, esp as the nests increase in size over the years.
Others: numerous Trumpeter Swans (>100 total) in multiple groups overhead. Over a thousand Canada Geese. Common Mergansers flying the river. House Finch males getting their Spring colors & RB Nuthatches & BC Chickadees hitting the feeder. A beautiful, cloud-free blue sky day!
Brian Carrigan
Re: Pygmy Nuthatch still in my yard.
Re: EBird Packs
I also can’t find an option to download all of the United States packs at once for eBird mobile. I’m guessing they have it set up that way so that you just have the individual packs available for whatever state you are currently in. You wouldn’t want to be in Idaho and have all ~1,000 possible species in the U.S. show up on your expected list in eBird! 😀 Thankfully, we only have a few hundred species that show up on the Idaho bird pack. 😀
I’m sorry that isn’t more helpful, but there doesn’t appear to be a way to download the whole U.S.; you just have to download each state before you visit it. 🙁
I’m glad you asked this question, because it prompted me to download the state packs for each state that I will be going through on an upcoming road trip! 😀
Have a great week! 😀
Aidan Lorenz