Re: Pine Siskins

Reporting in from nearby, Tom, I had a flock of 40 observed from my backyard on 12/30, too early for the 2024 WInter Bird Challenge, but had 8 on 1//2/24. These are eBIrdable observations but my listening/detection BirdNET-Pi device has logged at least one flyover most days since early November (this is unvetted and occasionally LEGO’s give a call that gets a PISI false positive) with a surge between dates I mentioned. So interesting to get a 24×7 read on our neighborhood birdlife. Pine Siskin sharing the stage with Pine Grosbeak this year!

Back to my visual observations, that was a sunny afternoon when I had the 40 in what I will call (homage to Linda) a mini-murmuration!

Jim Lyons