Re: American Falls Reservoir

Was wondering how the hummers were your way, Bill. Watched the nectar feeder off & on, as time allowed today. Ended up seeing a single juvenile Black-chinned hit the feeder twice, early afternoon. Zero this evening. Supposed to be a weather change with cooler temps & moisture by tomorrow evening. I’ll keep some nectar filled until, as you note, overnight freezes occur. Hopefully, provide some quick energy for stragglers. 
Brian Carrigan 

American Falls Reservoir

American Falls Reservoir water level is now below the silo and shorebirds are showing up. Got a snowy plover and 2 semipalmated plovers along with the usual plethora of killdeer. Several sandpiper species and both yellowlegs, willet, and lots of ibis. Common, Forster’s, and Caspian terns too. 
Birding at Willow Bay is a bit hampered by on-going reconstruction of the breakwater at the boat ramp. However, you can get to the beach via the county park. 

Louisa Evers
Take care of the birds and you take care of the world

Last Night Exodus?

It appears that there was a migration exodus last night. My hummingbird feeder has been absolutely silent since daybreak. Not a single visitor. Yesterday, had hummingbirds hitting it all day, from dawn to dusk. Also, no warblers or House Wrens around for a week. I have seen 2 juv Black-headed Grosbeaks at the seed feeder, but no adults in days. 
Several long-term winter forecasts for our region state above avg snowpack & cold. If my streamside willows are any indication (already turning yellow/gold), appears fall is arriving. Maybe the birds know something this year, as last year, had hummingbird visitors into October. 
Brian Carrigan 