Re: Arrivals in the city

For two or three weeks we had Cassin’s finches and siskins at our feeders. Absent today and yesterday. And I’ve been seeing young yellow rumped warblers around. Blackbirds, mostly Brewers, are grouping into large flocks. I saw two SACR this morning, too. 
Dean Jones

Dean Jones

“A world of facts lies outside and beyond the world of words.” Thomas Huxley

Re: Arrivals in the city

It’s good to read what’s happening with bird movements around Boise and around the state. I’ve been hearing and seeing BC Chickadees, hearing Red-breasted Nuthatches, seeing small flocks (4-10) House Finches, less Black-chinned Hummingbird activity, and occasional evening Screech Owls. It’s enough to keep my ears and eyes alert. 

Diann Stone
Boise Depot Bench

Re: Arrivals in the city

Thanks for your report from west side of state. I’ve been watching for Pine Siskins to hit my thistle feeder, but none as of yet. No big “flush” of songbirds through our place, as of yet, either. 
Just seems, one day the birds are here, next day, must have pulled out at night. Today, had a bit of activity for an hour at the nectar, 2 Black-chinneds & 1 Calliope…all juvs. Appears they’ve since moved on. Best bird today has been one Gray Catbird working the interface between yard & woods. 
Good birding,
Brian Carrigan 

Arrivals in the city

About 2 weeks ago, we had a male Lazuli Bunting show up at our feeders. He was quickly accompanied by a female. He stayed for a couple of days; she stayed a day longer. Then, a week ago, our first Pine Siskin showed up, and by today there
were 3 of them. And yesterday there was a Western Tanager hanging around across the street, but he never made it into our yard. BC Hummers continue to visit the feeders, but traffic has slowed somewhat. And our neighborhood Wild Turkeys continue to delight,
although one never knows where they’ll be found.

I can’t wait for full-on migration!

Tom McCabe, Boise