Re: Fall Migration

Thanks, Diann! Pygmy has made only a handful of visits over the years. Once had a Saw-whet take refuge in the open rafters of our garage during a raging blizzard! I had inadvertently left a garage door open & went to close it, then saw the little owl staring down at me. Left the door open & it had departed by daybreak. 
Last night, had a pair of Great-horneds carrying on a “conversation ‘ with each other for a half hour, in backyard cottonwoods. Others, over the years, have been: Long-eared, Short-eared, Barn & a single sighting of a Great Gray flyover. Shows importance of intact Riparian habitat.
YR Warbler activity is rapidly fading. We have a change with lower temperatures arriving this week & think that will play a role with the rush of fall migration. 
Brian Carrigan 

Re: Fall Migration

Wow, you’re lucky to have those owls  visit your yard! I consider it a treat when I hear Western Screech, especially  what I think are young ones. There are enough trees, deciduous and evergreen, to provide shelter and nesting places in my Boise Depot Bench location. Though I rarely hear or see them, there are occasionally signs that Great Horned Owls have stopped by for a meal or to discard a pellet. 

Your bird reports are thoroughly enjoyable to read. Please continue posting. 
Diann Stone
Boise Depot Bench

Sabine’s Gull

Between Cliff’s recent post for Fremont County & eBird showing Jefferson County sightings, can now add Bingham County for a recent Sabine’s Gull.
This morning, while fly-fishing a mayfly hatch on the Snake, had an adult, in non-breeding plumage, Sabine’s come very close overhead. At first glance, thought it was a tern. But, quickly realized it was a quite graceful & tailored gull. Made several passes overhead within feet of me. 
Brian Carrigan 

A Few More Today

Good numbers of Yellow-rumped Warblers still pushing through today. Groups of 20+ birds stopping & working through the trees & doing a little fly-catching, as well. Other arrivals today: White-crowned Sparrows, DE Juncos & Chipping Sparrows. 
Best bird was a lone Warbling Vireo, allowing for great binocular views, as it worked through several cottonwoods. 
Brian Carrigan 

Fall Migration

There’s been a definite increase in Fall migration activity this week. Starting with owls. This week, have awakened to ~2 AM calls from: N Pygmy, Saw-whet, W Screech & Great-horned Owls. The first two are “altitudinal migrants”, tending to appear in the Fall as they descend from mountain to river valley levels, & one each on different nights. By personal choice, I don’t play tapes or shine lights & only identify by their calls. When I get the occasional chance visual sighting, that’s a bonus.
Yesterday evening, had a good rush of Yellow-rumped Warblers come through, around 40+, working at treetop height of cottonwoods & Russian olives trees. Others: House Wren, Red-naped Sapsucker & Red-breasted Nuthatch. Also, had a couple of 75+ Mallard group fly-overs. Along, with what’s shaping up to be a banner color year & a respectable brown trout Fall-run, I’m definitely enjoying the season! 
Brian Carrigan 

Sabine’s Gull / Fremont County

This morning I was floating the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River just below Chester Dam and saw a juvenile Sabine’s Gull flying up the river. When it came close to the boat it actually tried to catch the minnow imitation we had on the line just below the surface. Later in the morning it came back downstream and flew off down the river and wasn’t seen again. Also in the same location there was a Great Egret flying down the river but we never saw it land.


Cliff and Lisa Weisse
Island Park, Idaho

Re: Blacks creek resv.

I have not been there for a week but very doubtful it was no where near that yet.

On Sep 16, 2024, at 10:43 PM, Robert Kiernan via <photobirder@…> wrote:

Does anyone know water level ?? can one go straight away from parking lot and cross to other side of the resv 

Ken Miracle
“Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God” 2COR 3:5