Fremont County Migrants

I spent today on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River downstream from Ashton and it was a very birdy day. Fly over raptors included a late Swainson’s Hawk, at least five Turkey Vultures (4 in one group), two Sharp-shinned Hawks, a juvenile Broad-winged Hawk and a juvenile Sabine’s Gull. There was a big flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers near Vernon Bridge that numbered at least fifty, a pair of female Western Tanagers and two Blue Jays.


Cliff and Lisa Weisse
Island Park, Idaho

Re: Winter Raptor Survey Project

Hi Sarah,

Thanks very much for the help you have offered so far, have not filled any of these routes so far and I do understand the challenge, have dealt with this since the beginning for this area.  With that said, I have attached a map that shows the locations of most of them and another map showing Richfield.  Unfortunately. I dont have maps for Albion and Raft River – Idahome so have attached the data collection forms for those.  One thing to mention about the multiroute map routes, a few of them have been slightly altered since I made the map way back when so it should be used for general orientation only, the data forms that I can provide to prospective takers will display the official route paths to follow:)
I too am going to miss Kathy’s presence in this project, she anchored down that hard to fill area in herculean fashion!  Did she move out of state or someplace else in Idaho?
Okay, let me know if I can be of further help, really appreciate all that you do for me to keep this project humming along!:)

Ps – to open either file, double click an icon then click on the Sheet 1 tab that appears on the page that comes up

Re: Winter Raptor Survey Project

Hi Jeff,

I have put out your plea a couple of times in our Prairie Falcon Audubon News email. Would it be possible for you to share maps of the following routes in our area? Or one map with each of these routes indicated? It might help?? Sadly, most of our members hail from Twin Fall, Gooding, and Jerome Counties. Kathy Eklund (Cassia County) was the exception! Not quite sure what we will do without her. She did several routes for you, compiled and participated in several CBCs, helped teach our community ed birding classes and most importantly, bird-dogged rarities. We will miss her!
Richfield                                 44
Heyburn                                 41
Acequia                                 39
Rupert North                         69
Rupert East – Minidoka         55
Burley East – Lake Walcott   67
Burley SW                            51
Burley SE                             34
Albion                                   36
Raft River – Idahome            65
Best to you,