Tried to get a photo at feeder of both chickadee types at once. But, they’re all fast little suckers, lol! Best photo I got of the Mountain is still “not good”, but can see its white eyestripe.
Brian Carrigan
Tried to get a photo at feeder of both chickadee types at once. But, they’re all fast little suckers, lol! Best photo I got of the Mountain is still “not good”, but can see its white eyestripe.
Brian Carrigan
A bit later on, after birding, along the Snake River, had just made a few casts of a nymph pattern, when heard the distinctive sound &, then, saw the black & white upper wing pattern of a Willet fly within feet of me at eye level. Got distracted by the Willet, while still retrieving my fly after its swing through a riffle and…missed a hit by a nice rainbow! Pulled the fly right from its mouth, as was still reeling the fly in, while watching the bird! That’s happened before, getting distracted by some other wildlife…mink, otter, moose, eagle…& missing a fish. But, on such a beautiful Fall morning on the Snake, even missing a trout isn’t so bad!
Brian Carrigan
Brian Carrigan