Re: Praise for the Saucer!

It appears to me that Idaho hummingbird migration started 2 wks earlier than usual & will probably be drawing to a close in the next 2 wks. At least for the majority of the hummers  through my area. Last year, I kept feeders up into early October. Suspect, will be done this year by mid-Sept. 

Yesterday’s Rufous was a surprise. As they were first to start through in early July & hadn’t seen any for past sev wks. My sister lives in NW WA & says the Rufous left earlier this yr than they’d ever witnessed. She usually sees juvies into Aug, but had cleared out by last of July. 

Brian Carrigan

Re: Mountain Chickadee

My platform feeder is a Duncraft brand & will hold 2 lb of black oil sunflower seeds. Has a metal screen base, plastic wood-appearance sides & 4-point chain wire hangers. Don’t know exact measurements, but approximately 1-1/2 ft square. 

Drains well, easy to just spray clean & has lasted 4 yrs, in every season, now & still looks new. Hope this helps. 

Brian Carrigan

Praise for the Saucer!

Once again, thanks to Ruthann for the saucer-type hummingbird feeder recommendation! Literally, saved my enjoyment of watching the little birds’ visits, as their fall migration continues. 

Today, there’s been an equal mix of juvenile Black-chinned & Calliope Hummingbirds. Haven’t seen an adult hummer since Saturday, when 2 adult male BCs came through. The only yellow jacket visits are very brief, 1 or 2 at a time, then they leave in a matter of seconds. 

I keep watching for a Broad-tailed, had a single male visitor last year about this time. So far, none this year. Right now, watching the “King of the Roost”, a juvie male Calliope, that keeps the larger Black-chinneds away. He only appeared about 30 minutes ago. Just glad to be able to continue offering a brief stopover respite for their fall journey South. 

Brian Carrigan