Re: Hummingbird Feeders & Wasps

After I read the response recommending the saucer-type hummingbird feeder, went to town & purchased a Perky Pet brand. Quite similar to recommended feeder, except the feeder ports have yellow flower covers, while recommended one was all red. Will say, that even with the yellow ports, have seen no more than 2 yellow jackets at a time on the feeder & only for a few seconds. Where the day previous, on inverted bottle type, had 8-10 at every port & 20-30 more hovering all around. 

So, quite satisfied  with the Perky Pet type. And, the Calliope & BC Hummingbirds have been feeding, unmolested by wasps, all day. Believe main benefit is simply switching to a saucer style feeder, once the yellow jackets & wasps swarm. Hope this helps, if getting invaded by wasp swarms.

Brian Carrigan

Re: Hummingbird Feeders & Wasps

Where my wife got hers as recommended by the Boise store. She has not put up a hummingbird feeder here at our apartment but she still has hers. And it worked great at our last locations where wasps, hornets etc. were endemic.

On Aug 27, 2023, at 3:35 PM, Lynda Ackert <lynda.ackert@…> wrote:

This isn’t the Amazon link, but this is a similar feeder from Wildbirds and if it is ever damaged or breaks, it has a lifetime guarantee…and they honor it! No wasps for us and we have 4 of them. 
Lynda Ackert

From: <> on behalf of wendy Dandridge via <wendy.dandridge@…>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2023 1:49:20 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [IBLE] Hummingbird Feeders & Wasps


Would someone mind reposting the link to the feeder that was shared?

Thank you!

Wendy Dandridge
Santa Rosa

iPhone. iTypos. iApologize.

Ken Miracle
“Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God” 2COR 3:5

Re: It Works!

So happy it works well for you, too.  We enjoy watching the hummers chow down while we are eating our breakfast.

On Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 07:52:35 PM MDT, lcarrigan_55 <carriganbw@…> wrote:
Thanks for the recommendation, Ruthann! One of my joys is sitting on our back deck & watching hummingbird activity, just feet away. Esp, during fall migration, with my AM cup of coffee &, again, in the cool of the evening. The wasps had made that an absolute no-go for past 2 wks. 

The Calliope has been to the feeder 5 times in past 45 minutes & not a single wasp has stayed for more than 2-3 seconds. 

Brian Carrigan