[IBLE] Teton Valley FOY’s

On Saturday and Sunday, I noted the following FOYs in Teton Valley:

Ski Hill Road (WY) from Teton Canyon up to Grand Targhee:

Fox Sparrow, Ruby-crowned Kinglets-many singing along road, Yellow-rumped Warbler

Teton River (Bates Bridge):  Yellow Warbler-singing, Long-billed Curlew, Willet, Wilson’s Snipe-winnowing, Swainson’s Hawk, Brewer’s Blackbirds

Driggs:  Brown-headed Cowbirds (also a group near the mouth of Horseshoe Canyon)

Teton River (Cache Bridge):  Cliff Swallows (35)

Packsaddle Estates:  Yellow-rumped Warbler including one Myrtle form, Green-tailed Towhee, House Wren, Vesper Sparrow

Susan Patla

Our neighborhood videoed a few Turkeys near Tetonia this week as well.