Yesterday I encountered my first Black-headed Grosbeak of the year, singing in my neighborhood while I was performing my Poop Fairy duties in the back yard. I then found him, still singing, just 2 blocks away, and then I found a second one near Veteran’s Pond. I also found 2 Western Tanagers, the first on Stewart, near Esther Simplot Park (ESP), and the second on Lander, near the little slough across from the STP. (When I heard the first one it took a few minutes for my brain to connect the sound to the bird.) Yesterday also had a great display of a Bald Eagle at ESP again harassing an Osprey, only this eagle was an adult.
Today’s FOS was a Bullock’s Oriole at the end of ESP nearest to State St. I heard him and then some young friends confirmed that they had seen him. Nice to see young birders who are both knowledgeable and enthusiastic.
I also found that at least one Chipping Sparrow continues in my neighborhood. Unfortunately, the singing birds that are hanging out with him were hiding, and I couldn’t connect the song to a bird. Maybe tomorrow.
Tom McCabe, Boise