I am on the Boise Depot Bench with my first ever backyard feeder bird of Lazuli Bunting male, 4:04 pm today.
Disnn Stone
On May 12, 2017 3:42 PM, “Bird birdkimliebich@gmail.com [ible]” <ible-noreply@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
I just happened to look at my feeder a moment ago, and saw my “first of bird feeder” Lazuli Bunting. The Lazuli Bunting was my ‘Spark bird” for getting me hooked on birding back when I was 14 in May of 1975. In the few moments following, 4 more male Lazuli Buntings joined him, for a total of 5, along with a pair of House Finches and a lone American Goldfinch. Definitely made my day, as the weather continues to drizzle outside… Jonathan, HSB area
=)kim liebich
Boise Idaho