Re: Steller’s Jay

I’ve a Steller’s Jay since mid December. It usually comes to my suet feeders.

Kit Struthers

Idaho Falls

On Fri, 17 Jan, 2025 at 9:37 PM, lcarrigan_55 via <carriganbw@…> wrote:

Well, so far, my best winter bird has been Steller’s Jay. It doesn’t visit my feeder. Based on some other’s posts, I’ve even tried peanuts & the other birds just seem to scatter them for the fox squirrels to gather. But, does like a windrow of Rocky Mtn Junipers I planted years ago. Maybe going after juniper berries??? It’s quite vocal, when present & one has been here since Nov. Today, kept me entertained while I shoveled snow from decks & drives. 
Brian Carrigan 