Re: Homedale West Raptor Route from Dec. 22, 2024.

I picked up the Dietrich and Richfield raptor routes for this winter.

I did my December drive three days ago after the storms had finished passing through, but the Richfield roads were still in bad condition and I was only able to complete about half of the route. In addition to counting raptors, there were a noticeable number of Gray Partridges in the farmlands west and north of Richfield – I saw at least a half dozen groups, each with 8-10 huns.

The Dietrich route was more productive because the roads were better. 28 Red-tailed, 1 Ferruginous, 1 Prairie Falcon, 12 Kestrels, 5 Northern Harriers, and a Bald Eagle carrying a partial carcass and being chased by other birds. The eagle sighting was in the final mile of the route and a fun way to end the drive.
Heather Lauer, Hailey

Homedale West Raptor Route from Dec. 22, 2024.

Louisa Evers and I had a fantastic Homedale West Raptor Route on Sunday 12/22/24 and I thought IBLE birders might want to see the results and maybe start a trend of more Raptor Route results being contributed to IBLE. 
It was a good weather day and we had 60 Red-tails, 67 Kestrels (I’m seeing a lot of those everywhere I go now!), 18 Northern Harriers, 3 Bald eagles, 3 Prairie Falcons, 2 Merlins, 1 Sharp-shinned hawk, and 1 Great Horned Owl. A total of 154 raptors in 43 miles which equals 3.5 raptors per mile. It was one of our best days ever and we’ve been doing this Count for several years. It will be interesting to see the January and February numbers and if they match up to December numbers. 
How are your Raptor Routes going?? Let the rest of us know!
Happy New Year! Cheryl Huizinga