We’ve got lots of siskens, almost as many as gold finches, and a few house finches. I recall we get nuthatches in late winter. Rosy finches only stuck around for less than an hour.
Bill Moore
Hoot Owl
I got distracted and didn’t finish my thought. There are a few
around east Idaho.
FWIW, we saw one Rough-legged and one Ferruginous Hawk on the
Rexburg bench in Madison County today so there are at least a
few around.Cliff
On 1/27/25 01:14PM, lcarrigan_55 via
groups.io wrote:
Thanks for info from both of you, Bill & Tim! Wow,
wonder what’s kept the Rough-leggeds not that far away, just
to the NE? Good food supply I suppose. Interesting. Will be
watching for Rosy Finches, too! Had an irruption one year of
literally, thousands! Would go thru a 50 lb bag of sunflower
seeds in 3-4 days. That was 40 yrs ago though.Brian-- Cliff and Lisa Weisse Island Park, Idaho cliffandlisa@...
-- Cliff and Lisa Weisse Island Park, Idaho cliffandlisa@...
FWIW, we saw one Rough-legged and one Ferruginous Hawk on the
Rexburg bench in Madison County today so there are at least a few
Thanks for info from both of you, Bill & Tim! Wow, wonder
what’s kept the Rough-leggeds not that far away, just to the NE?
Good food supply I suppose. Interesting. Will be watching for
Rosy Finches, too! Had an irruption one year of literally,
thousands! Would go thru a 50 lb bag of sunflower seeds in 3-4
days. That was 40 yrs ago though.Brian
-- Cliff and Lisa Weisse Island Park, Idaho cliffandlisa@...
I started my monthly surveys November 7, when I recorded 130 RLHA and 125 FEHA, plus 17 unknown buteos just too far away to ID.
If you are feeling RLHA deprived, go for a drive around the ag fields north of Monteview. You will likely see 100+ in a morning.