RB Nuthatches in E Idaho?

Anyone in eastern Idaho seeing RB Nuthatches? We normally have lots of them but have recently noticed that we’re not seeing any (Also, little to no house finches or pine siskins, fwiw). Wondering what, if anything, might be going on. We still have many Stellars Jays, lots of chickadees, goldfinches and evening grosbeaks. Maybe just the normal fluctuation that occurs year to year?

Re: Finally. Rough-legged Hawk

I got distracted and didn’t finish my thought. There are a few
around east Idaho.

On 1/27/25 04:42PM, Cliff Weisse wrote:

FWIW, we saw one Rough-legged and one Ferruginous Hawk on the
Rexburg bench in Madison County today so there are at least a
few around.


On 1/27/25 01:14PM, lcarrigan_55 via
groups.io wrote:

Thanks for info from both of you, Bill & Tim! Wow,
wonder what’s kept the Rough-leggeds not that far away, just
to the NE? Good food supply I suppose. Interesting. Will be
watching for Rosy Finches, too! Had an irruption one year of
literally, thousands! Would go thru a 50 lb bag of sunflower
seeds in 3-4 days. That was 40 yrs ago though. 
Cliff and Lisa Weisse
Island Park, Idaho
Cliff and Lisa Weisse
Island Park, Idaho

Re: Finally. Rough-legged Hawk

FWIW, we saw one Rough-legged and one Ferruginous Hawk on the
Rexburg bench in Madison County today so there are at least a few


On 1/27/25 01:14PM, lcarrigan_55 via
groups.io wrote:

Thanks for info from both of you, Bill & Tim! Wow, wonder
what’s kept the Rough-leggeds not that far away, just to the NE?
Good food supply I suppose. Interesting. Will be watching for
Rosy Finches, too! Had an irruption one year of literally,
thousands! Would go thru a 50 lb bag of sunflower seeds in 3-4
days. That was 40 yrs ago though. 
Cliff and Lisa Weisse
Island Park, Idaho