Here’s a screen shot of a falconer in Mexico
Monthly Archives: July 2024
Re: Gulls being removed from Ada County landfill
The cynic in me wonders if their real objective is to drive away the gulls to drive away the birders 😕
Re: Gulls being removed from Ada County landfill
All the tourist hotels in the Yucutan, Mexico hire Falconers with Harris’s hawks to keep out the Grackle’s in the outside eating areas.
Re: Gulls being removed from Ada County landfill
I was able to read the article (I’m not a subscriber) – thanks, Denise.
Re: Gulls being removed from Ada County landfill
Amazing that a few gulls/raptors could run off that many gulls, who deserve to feed.
Gulls being removed from Ada County landfill
Juvenile Cowbird
Had a new one this evening. A female Spotted Towhee feeding a juvenile Brown-headed Cowbird. There was also a juvenile Spotted Towhee nearby, but couldn’t tell who it belonged to, as several adult Towhees about.
Also had a Gray Catbird come through, working among the cottonwoods. I’ve heard several this summer & know they’ve nested on place in the past. BC Hummingbird males & females hitting the feeder & female Rufous. I thought with the heat & smoke, I’d get a lot more hummer visitors. But, if anything, numbers are down.
Brian Carrigan
Re: Rufous Hummingbird
Sitting on back deck right now, watching a female Rufous & a male Black-chinned tangle with each other for ports at the nectar feeder. Nowhere near your numbers, Bill. But, enough to keep things exciting.
Had 3 different hen Turkeys coming in, up until a couple weeks ago. Have gone silent lately, so will probably start showing with young for spilled sunflower seeds from the platform feeder, before too long. Others with young: BH Grosbeaks, Bullock’s Orioles, Lazuli Buntings, House Finches, House Wrens, American Goldfinches, American Robins, Yellow Warblers, Cedar Waxwings, BC Chickadees, Western Wood-Pewees & RN Sapsuckers.
Plus, a flyover by a wildfire-fighter air tanker out of Pocatello, awhile ago. Unfortunately, that time of year.
Brian Carrigan
Re: Rufous Hummingbird
I had several male rufous week of 7/10, maybe a little longer. Now none seen recently. Just have to try and find females among flocks. Numbers down some from past, but averaging over a quart per day, so 200+.
Turkeys still hunkered down up the hill raising their broods.
Bill Moore
Hoot Owl
Rufous Hummingbird
Finally, Rufous Hummingbirds appeared at my feeder this evening about 7:30. An adult female & a juvenile have been coming in for past half hour & giving an adult male Black-chinned fits!
But, what was really fascinating to me was the Rufous’ arrival. This year I moved my nectar feeder off of a deck hangar & onto a post hangar about 30 ft into the yard. Allows for better binocular views & I don’t scare them, going in & out of house, or reading on the deck. The female must have, literally, just arrived & been here in the past. As she suddenly “appeared” at the exact level & spot where the feeder used to be located off the deck rail. It took her a few twists & turns to find the new location & she hasn’t been back to the deck since.
I’ve read hummingbirds remember flower locations & those of feeders, as well. But, to witness it was, indeed, exciting. We should all be so lucky with our memory to be…”bird-brained”!
Brian Carrigan