Re: Rufous Hummingbird

Sitting on back deck right now, watching a female Rufous & a male Black-chinned tangle with each other for ports at the nectar feeder. Nowhere near your numbers, Bill. But, enough to keep things exciting. 
Had 3 different hen Turkeys coming in, up until a couple weeks ago. Have gone silent lately, so will probably start showing  with young for spilled sunflower seeds from the platform feeder, before too long. Others with young: BH Grosbeaks, Bullock’s Orioles, Lazuli Buntings, House Finches, House Wrens, American Goldfinches, American Robins, Yellow Warblers, Cedar Waxwings, BC Chickadees, Western Wood-Pewees & RN Sapsuckers. 
Plus, a flyover by a wildfire-fighter air tanker out of Pocatello, awhile ago. Unfortunately, that time of year. 
Brian Carrigan 