I put my hummingbird feeders up yesterday, and my reward today was a Black-chinned Hummer in my maple, surveying the yard. I haven’t seen one go to a feeder yet, but I’m sure he didn’t go to the feeder because we were making too much noise.
Today I also saw my first Spotted Sandpipers of the season, on a sand bar near the old race track. Yellow Warblers are all along my route on the greenbelt, and yesterday I heard, but did not see, a Western Wood Pewee.
Ah, Spring!
Tom McCabe, Boise
On the subject of WIPH: we drove up to Centennial Marsh near Hill City yesterday. Found at least a couple dozen of the phalaropes in and around the marsh. A handful of willets were there, as well. Quite
a few cinnamon teal and northern shovelers. Many blackbirds of all three species. A few sandhill cranes flew over, as well as at least four red tail hawks. On Old Bennet Mountain Rd the bluebirds are returning to the nesting boxes. Saw close to three dozen.
No sign of any of the larger shore birds, but suspect they will be arriving soon.
Good excuse for another drive.
Tom Soniville
Boise West Bench
Sorry, I am new to the group and did not realize that! It stands for Wilson’s phalarope
What’s a WIPH?
I thought ancestral IBLE protocol was to never use bird abbreviations without saying what it is to ease things for old folks like me.
I saw these 2 WIPH on a makeshift pond. Gayle Eaton, Donnelly
Saw 3 Whimbrels in a mixed flock of LBCU in Valley County. It was so strange to see 5 LBCU (22.8″) together, so I started to study them closer. The WHIM’s were smaller (16.9″), had shorter straighter bills (though also down turned), eye stripe. I sent to a Master Birder who ID’d them.
Haven’t posted in a very long time, but thought the Great Gray Owl I saw last night here in Teton County was noteworthy. Kinda cool it coincided with the unusual solar storm that pushed the Northern Lights down to this latitude. Wonder what the owl thought of those coronal mass ejections? Owl launched couple of times at voles but missed. Time was around 20:00.
Scott MacButch – Tetonia
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