A Bullock pair showed this afternoon.
That’s fun news, Bill! After your posting a couple of weeks ago, I put my feeder right out. No customers, yet, but I did hear a yellow warbler this evening! Bullocks are back, too. Huzzah! Spring is happening at last. Looking forward to the hummer invasion!
Janet Shipman
Pocatello near ISU
Hummers numbers are picking up finally, getting multiple visits a day and females. Cassins Finch arrived and they are here all Summer. House wrens also showed, but early ones showed up with abbreviated song, only back end. Maybe more will show up with full melody and teach the others. I wonder if they could be last year’s brood in first breeding cycle. Great Horns are singing through night.
Bill Moore
Hoot Owl
Just filled my hummingbird feeder, as had a Black-chinned come through earlier. And, the hummingbird was followed by a mature male Bullock’s Oriole. Last year, a male Bullock’s was a regular visitor to the hummingbird feeder in early Spring.
Brian Carrigan
Home of Idaho Birding and the Idaho Bird Records Committee