Eurasian Wigeon

Part of my daily bike ride includes peeking through the fence at Les Bois race track to try to identify the birds on the infield pond. Some days it’s harder than others. Today, while sorting through all the swimmers (a gazillion Coots, etc.) I realized that one of the Wigeons had a red head instead of a green head. It has been years since I last saw a Eurasian Wigeon, but there he was. I’m not sure I could distinguish a female EUWI, but one female seemed to hanging close to the male, so who knows.

If you want to chase, go to Alworth St. in Garden City, then turn north on 52d St., go left at Mr. Mudd Concrete onto Remington St., and pull over when you see the American flag on a fence post. Opposite the flag is a trampled down place next to the chain link fence (I confess!). Look through the fence and you’ll see the pond. This is the only place I’ve found where I can see what’s on the pond, although it’s a really restricted point of view. Plus, the pond is about 100 yards away. Nevertheless, I can get good views with my little 10 power binos. Some days, when the wind is blowing from the west, like today, it can cause some serious eye-watering.

Just had to share, in spite of social distancing.

Tom McCabe, Boise