Hi All,
This afternoon from 4 pm – 6 pm, Bonnie and I visited the west end of Island Park Reservoir where Sheridan Creek (Delta?) flows in. We were fortunate to bump into Cliff and Lisa Weisse who gave us very helpful info on how to reach the willows area where they had first seen the Red Knot. Thanks Cliff and Lisa!
We reached the willows without getting too wet but it was quiet there. A couple immature Bonapartes gulls, Am. Coots and some Yellow-headed Blackbirds. As we head ed Northward away from the willows I scoped a thin spit that lies in an inlet several hundred yards north of the willows. It was along this narrow spit that I saw the Red Knot. It seemed to be keeping company with a Marbled Godwit, feeding together along the edge of the spit.
If anyone decides to look for the Red Knot you’ll have to access Green Canyon Rd via Yale-Kilgore. We first tried to go up Green Cyn Rd just south of Harriman SP but had to turn back because there was too much snow still on that road. Aside from the Knot you may find other cool things in this place like Long-billed Curlews and Willets calling, Eared Grebes all plumed out and unbelievable numbers of gulls (Ring-billed, California, Franklin’s and a few Bonaparte’s).
Steve and Bonnie Altshuld
Island Park
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