Just saw at close range, a red-wing like bird but slightly smaller and not as glossy as a male red-wing. I t shows a “muddy” white slash where the epaulets should be while perched and reddish on the shoulders in flight. I wonder if I was looking at a first year male tri-color? If so it’s a lifer for me. The Baltimore is still here.
Jack Oar
On May 19, 2017, at 2:21 PM, Diann Stone wrote:
> Exciting! Your watchful and fiscerning eyes found a special treat.
> On May 19, 2017 9:29 AM, “Jack Oar jackoar@atcnet.net [ible]”
> This morning among the twenty or more Bullocks we had a Baltimore appear at the feeder.
> Jack Oar
> Howe, Butte Co.