[IBLE] Quick eclipse trip

Four of us set out for Ontario and points northwest, wanting to get into the
zone of totality. The rest area just across the border in Oregon was jammed,
but orderly. We continued on and took the exit at Farewell Bend. The road
was lined with cars in places and the state park looked packed. We continued
on into Huntington and there were lots of cars and campers, but one block
off the main highway we found easy parking. We sat in a small park and had
lunch at a vacant picnic table (never expected that on eclipse day). We
walked uphill a couple of streets to the edge of town and got to watch the
whole thing unfold. Way cool.

What was even cooler was when the eclipse was just a few minutes past its
peak, the sky over town filled with Common Nighthawks, all calling and
flying much closer to the ground than in Boise. Prior to the eclipse we had
not heard or seen any of their ilk.

The drive back was a bit congested at times as folks came down out of the
zone of totality to the interstate, but we were home by 2pm, and it was cool
enough still that we managed a short bike ride (and 20 birds!).

Tom McCabe, Boise