[IBLE] Immature Rose-breasted Grosbeak Returns

Just when I was certain it was gone, the immature RB Grosbeak was briefly at the feeder this AM. I had just seen an Orange-crowned Warbler & a Wilson’s, when I turned around and 20 ft away, the Grosbeak was at the feeder. Same bird with a distinctive red tear drop at bottom of rose breast. Feared moving for a photo, as it is quite “flighty”. No rhyme or reason to its visits, as hadn’t seen since Wed.

Others were Red-breasted Nuthatch & Cedar Waxwings. And, the resident “guide” Black-capped Chickadees are making sure that any migrants don’t dally too long in one particular tree. In fact, I’m using the chatter of the Chickadees to help locate groups of migrants working through the trees.

Brian Carrigan