[IBLE] fall migration, etc

Brian et al.,

Speaking of fall migration…

Two days ago (Friday) our yard was a-buzz with 20-25 hummers of four sp, whereas yesterday we had half as many birds and only two sp (Black-chins plus a Rufous), eerily quiet, too quickly

Friday felt like “moving day” – Missy and I biked the Boise River Greenbelt and we saw/heard birds everywhere, on the wing, in the trees, on the ground, in the water, hustling, bustling, foraging, many calling, some still singing

Yesterday it felt like the family reunion was over and many birds had moved on (out of our microcosm), and/or had just “ducked” for cover!?

eBird asks us to contribute our observations during the eclipse, so we shall. =)

Approaching new moon with clear skies hereabouts, we’ve enjoyed our sliver of moon at dawn recently…

Ready or not, here it comes – the event of the season they say, zillions of star gazers, bumper-to-bumper traffic, higher gas prices, no motel rooms or camping spaces remaining, yada yada

We’ll enjoy the eclipse just fine, right where we are!

Please be safe out there folks!


West Boise

From: ible@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ible@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of lcarrigan_55@yahoo.com [ible]
Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2017 7:37 PM
To: ible@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [IBLE] MacGillivray’s Warbler

Just found a MacGillivray’s Warbler on the place. When I see this Warbler, means Fall migration is on. Down to a single juvenile Black-chinned Hummingbird at the nectar feeder, too.

Brian Carrigan