Today, was more of the same: YR Warblers, Wilson’s & Orange-crowned Warblers & numerous RC Kinglets & a few Chipping Sparrows. American Robins are staging & really hitting the Russian Olive trees. But, the best bird was just a few minutes ago: a female Mountain Bluebird, fly-catching from the top of a Russian Olive in the backyard.
Mt Bluebirds rarely put in an appearance along our stretch of the Snake River Riparian Grounds, even though they are fairly common in the more open Sagebrush Steppe just a short drive away. Old-timers tell me they used to be common along the river corridor but, I suspect, the non-native European Starling out-competed them for cottonwood cavity nesting sites years ago. Another bird, which is becoming increasingly more noticeable was a Common Raven this afternoon in our front pasture. In the last 5 years, Ravens have started replacing the Common Crow in our area but haven’t yet made an impact on the BB Magpie. I hope they don’t, as I enjoy seeing the tailored “suit” of a magpie.
Brian Carrigan